To order, click on a group of plants below. Follow the links to the desired plant.  In the drop down list.  SCROLL down the list to highlight your choice, CLICK on it. Next, put in # of plants desired—click on Order button.


Prices—most 4 1/2” pots $9.50, gallons $12.00. Some specialty items are higher priced.  Get free Bonus Plants for volume purchases!


Note: Cart limit is 25 items, weight limit 150# —can submit more than one order for 1 shipment.  We combine them.  


You can email an order without a credit card number (not secure in email) if picking up at nursery.


On the "Instructions" part of check-out, you may specify a ship date or other comments. 



The Heather Specialists

On-line Catalog



1) If a plant does NOT have a button to order, it is NOT available at this time. (A few items are around that there are one or two of but not listed. You can ask if we have something if you wish. I just might have a few!)


2) Bonus Plants—You get bulk buying discounts by ordering Bonus Plants.  Click link for details.


3) We do NOT, I repeat, do NOT charge your credit card until your order is shipped out. Don’t call and demand your money back if your order is not shipped if things are sold out or you cancel. We never had your money to begin with. (Sorry if I repeat this ad nauseam.)


4) There are some 4 1/2” pots but all that many.


5) If you plant later in spring, order early and put on hold. You are competing with landscapers for large lots of gallons. They are often all sold out by March from ones we get from suppliers, and our stock is quite limited in numbers.


6) Let me know on instructions part of cart if you are picking up the order. I can hold them for as long as you need. You pay when you pick them up.


7) Again, if we hold your plants for spring shipping,


That way, we won’t need to adjust the amount your card is charged—ever.


Thank you and happy planting,  Karla Lortz


Phone: 360-427-5318, if you want to order by phone. If it is easier on you if you have a large order, have questions or the cart is slow or giving you trouble,  go ahead and call it in. Web orders do get processed faster though.


Hours are 10:00 AM—3PM PST for phoning in mail order.  You have to make an appointment to visit the nursery as it is not open. Call again if you don’t get me. 


All orders are charged a $3 packing fee on the final invoice to help offset the costs. This fee has not changed since 1995.,


We are open from March 1st, 2025 until June.


You can place orders while we are closed. We will set aside for spring.


Yes, we can ship to all 50 states including California. 


List of what is available is below:


Species 2025 Availability and Price List - Gallon & 4 1/2”

Collections We Pick


Best prices are in the Collections 12 Gallon Plant Collections (Plants not listed are often in collections as I only have a few of them.)


NOTE: shipping cost has been about 1/2 price to 2/3 listed in cart so far. We charge exact cost— not cart price. Local to WA has been about 1/4 cheaper than listed. Ignore cart shipping price.,


PLEASE check for your Order Confirmation and correspondence in your SPAM folder to avoid delays.



We do hold plants for spring shipping.

Check out our stunning photos on Facebook under Heaths and Heathers Nursery.

Directions for table below:


Click on the  species then ‘Cultivar’ name to get to the page with an order button with photos and a more complete description of the plants.


If a page has no order button, it is not available this year.


Hardiness, USDA Zones and soil pH information are below in the plant groups—NOT in the above Alphabetical Name List.  You can also order and find the plants below to see what is in each group.  The Alphabetical Name List will give you the group to go to below.


If this list overwhelms you, consider ordering a Collection where we pick out what should work for you.


The cheapest prices we offer are in the Collections. We custom choose each one for you and your soil, climate and Zone.

Terms & Policies

This explains warranties, etc. before you Order.

Shipping Rates:


Remember, we do NOT charge your credit card until the plants are packed and in the boxes.


Prices subject to change without notice. If the cost is cheaper than quoted to you in cart, we will assess the cheaper rate. If more, then we assess the exact cost to ship. This rarely happens.


US Priority WA & OR just depends on location.


CA and East 6 of the 4 1/2” pots. Cost $20.69 for Flat Rate.



There is a $3 packing fee added to each invoice that the cart includes in your shipping cost. We itemize it out on the invoice.


Note: more exact rates for FedEx Ground and options are applied at check out. But we ignore those until we ship. Costs are usually 1/2 to 3/4 of quoted price.

West of the Rockies:
10-25% cost of plants
East of the Rockies:
15-35% FedEx Ground (4-5 days)


We do NOT guarantee condition of plants if you choose Ground going East nor US Parcel Post. This is at your risk.  That said, there is rarely a problem. Heat is the only obstacle really.

Gift Certificates

Andromeda polifolia

This group has been adopted by The English Heather Society

Calluna vulgaris

The true heathers.  This tough group has hundreds of cultivars.


Native mountain heather—hard to find


We can choose your plants for you at a discounted price.  Check out US Priority Flat rate shipping deal!


The largest flowers of the heaths and heathers.

Empetrum nigrum

Crowberry, native to PNW, also have rubum

Erica hybrids & species

South African Cape Heaths

Rare, spectacular Hummingbird Heaths hardy to 20-28 F

Erica arborea

Tree heaths

Erica x arendsiana

3’ hybrid of E. cinerea and E. terminalis

Erica australis

Tree heaths

Erica caffra

South African Cape Heaths

Rare, spectacular Hummingbird Heaths hardy to 28 F

Erica carnea

Very hardy winter bloomers, alkaline tolerant and easy to grow

Erica ciliaris

Large pitcher shaped blossoms

Erica cinerea

Flashy beautiful summer flowers

Erica cruenta

South African Cape Heaths

Rare, spectacular Hummingbird Heaths hardy to 28 F

Erica curviflora

South African Cape Heaths

Rare, spectacular Hummingbird Heaths hardy to 28 F

Erica curvifolia

South African Cape Heaths

Rare, spectacular Hummingbird Heaths hardy to 28 F

Erica x darleyensis

Long winter and spring flowers, alkaline tolerant and easy to grow

Erica erigena

Some in this group are very tall and the flowers exquisite

Erica x garforthensis 

Cross of E. tetralix and E. manipuliflora

Erica x gaudificans
This shrub is almost always in bloom here. Formerly E spiculifolia x bergiana

Erica glandulosa

South African Cape Heaths

Rare, spectacular Hummingbird Heaths hardy to 28 F

Erica x griffithsii

Tall and fragrant. 

Erica x krameri

Cross between E. carnea and E. spiculifolia.

Erica lusitanica

Tree heaths

Erica mackayana

A unique and hard to find group

Erica manipuliflora

Some have scented flowers

Erica scoparia

Very rare, tiny flowers

Erica speciosa

South African Cape Heath

Rare, spectacular Hummingbird Heaths hardy to 28 F

Erica spiculifolia

The hardiest heath there is – formerly Bruckenthalia spiculifolia

Erica x stuartii

This group has superb spring tip color

Erica terminalis

Summer blooming tree heaths

Erica tetralix

Most of this group has silver gray foliage

Erica umbellata

Beautiful, rare species from Spain and Portugal region.

Erica vagans

Handsome plants, alkaline tolerant and easy to grow

Erica x veitchii

Tree heaths

Erica x watsonii

This group has good spring tip color

Erica x williamsii

These shrubs have golden spring tip color


Choice rock garden plant that is a Phyllodoce x


Very rare, hard to find mountain heathers of the Western U.S.