Mail Order open September 1—October 31

then March 1—June 7.

Mail order hours during the week are 9 AM—3 PM PST (please note time zone). 


I am there most Saturdays for a a few hours pulling orders beginning in March - just call ahead.


Open by appointment only. Yes, you can browse and change your mind for pre-orders.


All other days and times are by appointment only.


The Display Garden has a few thousand heather plants in the ground for you to enjoy.  This is the largest variety on display of heather  in North America.

Call 360-427-5318 to schedule below. You will encounter a locked gate if you come unannounced.


We are happy to have you come by if we can schedule it to not conflict with mail order pulling and packing.,


Retail location below:



SHELTON, WA  98584


Scroll down for directions below. Check against Google Maps or Map Quest as they have taken some folks out into the wilderness on Agate Road.  Pickering turns into Agate past us.  You should never be on Agate Rd.



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The Heather Specialists


The Heather Specialists

Display Garden & Sales

We are open by special appointment the entire year if it can be arranged—usually after 1 PM and never on Sundays due to shippingMondays are difficult due to shipping as well.  Use the form and click on the date you would like to come out, e-mail Karla Lortz or call 360-427-5318. If you make an appointment, and you arrive to a locked gate at 631 E. Pickering Rd, please be patient.  We get held up by the phone and employees. Please do not drive to the mailing address on Haskell Hill Rd. That is a locked gate and no one is allowed in there—ever.


*From Tacoma take Hwy 16 from I-5, exit at Purdy.  Left at 1st light  onto Key Peninsula Hwy.  Right onto Elgin-Clifton Rd (SR 302).  Follow the signs to Shelton. Left at ‘T’ in Allyn onto Hwy 3. Left on Pickering Rd (about 10 mi.), we are 1/2 mile on the left adjacent to Olympic Bakery.


*North-enders may want to take the ferry from either Edmonds or downtown Seattle.  Follow Hwy 3 south and exit towards Shelton at Gorst with Hwy 3. Left on Pickering Rd (about 15 mi. south of Belfair), we are 1/2 mile on  the left.


*From Olympia take HWY 101.  Take the 101 Exit to Shelton.  Take the first Shelton Hwy 3 exit. Follow Hwy 3 through Shelton towards Bremerton.  Turn right on Pickering Rd. (about 10 mi.) we are 1/2 mile on the left adjacent to Olympic Bakery—a great place to have lunch.


Fill out appointment form with list, e-mail or call us with a list if you have one ahead of time!  Our growing locations are spread 8 miles apart, and not everything is at the retail site.  Give us a few days notice to pull please.